[extracted from] ARIZONA BMW Z SERIES CLUB newsletter of 12-15-03

[update 1/15/04 - Seems we omitted the start time in our previous newsletters for the Feb 7th Tech session. I'm told the vendors will set up starting at 8:00 a.m. Just a reminder that there is a $10 per car fee and the money will go the mechanics who come in on their day off to help us out. There will be a sign up sheet on the parts counter in the shop. We're doing this on the honor system. Sign yourself in and leave $10 on the counter.

We have Waldo's Ribs catering the lunch again with the same menu as last time, the club is picking up the tab. This is one of the ways we return monies engendered by the members through clothing sales, trip fees, and dues.

The session will probably end around 1:30 or 2 PM. We have 28 members signed up and we're expecting approximately 8 vendors. Ron Harnish is the chairperson for this event and has done most of the work in setting it up........We're grateful for his efforts.......let him know and maybe he'll do it again for us sometime !!!! :-)


Paul Ebeyer, President]

We have scheduled another spectacular tech session for Saturday, February 7th 2004. It will be held at Ultimate Auto, the same location as last time. Ultimate Auto is located at 15650 Northsight Blvd in Scottsdale, They are approximately 500 yards west of Hacienda Harley Davidson which is on the corner of Hayden Rd. and Northsight Blvd. The phone number at Ultimate is 480 922 1068.

Here is a list of the vendors that have been invited so far: 

We hope to have a catering service for lunch but the details have not yet been worked out. There will be a fee of $10 per car that will be donated to the mechanics who give up their day off to come in and assist us. In addition to the invited vendors, we can freelance our own "fix it day" where we can lend a hand to others on a project we may be familiar with. If you have something that needs fixing, try to bring the appropriate tools and we'll try to find a member to give you a hand. If you have small jobs or "fix it's", the mechanics are there to help you. Please don't ask for any major repairs, that's not part of the deal. You can get lubricants changed but you will pay for the materials or bring your own. I'm pretty sure they stock Red Line synthetic as well as other oils. Other small jobs will be completed by the mechanics as a courtesy.

We all owe our thanks to Ron Harnish, the Tech Session Director, who does all the work in setting up these events for us. All I do is take his information and pass it along. Greg Dalgarn of Ultimate Auto is kind enough to make his facility available to us on a Saturday when they are usually closed. We highly recommend you bring your service needs to him when they are needed.

On the past two occasions, we had Waldo's BBQ cater the event and they did a great job. However, we're thinking that just for a change, we would like to try someone else and get a change in the menu. If you know someone in the catering business, for small groups, not too fancy (that is, not too expensive) please email the information to me and I'll contact them for the details. We estimate 40 to 50 souls in attendance. We need to get working on this right away !

The club offers several selections of club monogrammed shirts, jackets and hats. Your purchase helps support the club and identify you as a proud club member and BMW Z Series owner.

We encourage the members to recruit new members to our club. Ron Harnish, also the membership director, has some flyers and applications designed to be left under the wiper blade of a fellow BMW Z Series driver when you see one parked. Don't try to slip it under the blade if the car is moving !!!!!! This will remind Ron to bring a supply to the tech session and you can pick up 1/2 dozen to keep in your daily driver. Our paid roster is down to 55 members and we would like to maintain about 75 if we can. This means some heavy recruiting activity. Remember, it's also the Z4 & Z8 Club as well.

That's about it for this time. We wish everyone a healthy and happy holiday season and we look forward to seeing you at the next event.

Paul Ebeyer, President

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