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Club Tour - Ajo - Saturday, 03/12/16

We thought we would avoid  any trips to the north due to the possibility of foul weather and sloppy roads so we're going to the southwest instead. So what's in the southwest ??? So glad you asked! here's the answer:

The Gang gathers at the truck stop at 56th Street and Sundust Rd. at  9:00 AM and we'll depart at  9:15 AMPlease have a full fuel tank at the start of the tour and you will want to have your club radio along as well. I have no idea if  it will be top down weather but we'll find out as the date approaches; please bring appropriate clothing so you will be comfortable.

To get to Sundust Rd., you will want to exit I-10 at Exit 162 (which is also the exit for Firebird Lake and Wild Horse Pass) Turn left under the overpass to get onto Sundust  and the truck stop will be on your right about a ¼ mile from the off ramp.

When we leave the truck stop we will head south on I-10 and drive toward Casa Grande, and get off I-10 at Sunland Gin Road exit #200. There will be a Love's truck stop at the bottom of the off ramp to your right. Make a right turn and continue south to Battaglia Drive  and turn right on to Battaglia Drive.  Continue west on Battaglia Drive approximately 6 miles to Chuichu Rd. (also called Highway 15) where you will see the sign below heading south.

Turn south on Highway 15 and follow it about 50 miles to Highway 86. We will drive through the communities of Jackrabbit, North Komelik and Santa Rosa . It will be about 8 miles from Santa Rosa to Hwy 86, a main waypoint. Turn right (west) and follow Highway 86 to Ajo, which will be about 47 miles. We will pass through the communities of Covered Wells, Gunsight and "Why." "Why" is where Highway 86 is renumbered to Highway 85; stay on 85.

"OK, it's decided ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ we're going to "brown bag it"  so either bring a lunch or plan to get something at one of the fast
food restaurants in Ajo.

This is a link to the map of Ajo.

Please print out this map or memorize it (ha ha)  You can clearly see hwy 85 where we enter town. In the top just right of center you will see ESBUD WALKER PARK in green, that's where we're having lunch.  I trust everyone stopping for fast food will promptly find their way to the park so we can all hang together and depart together.  (wishful thinking)

Since there is no longer a specific time we have to arrive in Ajo, all the original plans in the route guide remain the same as they were originally.

There is fuel available at various points. We'll call out the fuel stop on the radio.  After lunch we will continue on Highway 85 north out of Ajo and head north to Gila Bend, about 40 miles.  We should be able to make good time on Highways 86/85 since it is not heavily traveled.  At Gila Bend Hwy 85 will lead us to Maricopa Road which is Hwy 238 where we will head back east to the town of Maricopa, about 42 miles distant. At that point we will most likely get separated as each of us takes the appropriate route to our own homes.  A rough estimate  is 350 miles round trip depending upon the distance from your home to the starting point. Including the time for lunch and a fuel stop and comfort stops it will be a long day, probably 8 hours but that's about average for our in-state luncheon tours. As always, I will need your RSVP ASAP so I will have a head count for the restaurant. Since there is no January club tour we're hoping everyone will be in the mood for this Ajo tour which we last did in November.

As always, I will need your RSVP for the restaurant head count; please be prompt with this.

Paul Ebeyer, President Arizona BMW Z Series Club

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