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Club Christmas Party - Saturday, 12/3/16
I have negotiated with Ranch De Los Caballeros in Wickenburg for our Christmas Party, here are the detailsat this point in time:
I estimate 50 souls attending but that can be modified as we get closer to the date.
I have this set up for Saturday December 3rd. I had originally thought about Dec 10th but Carol suggested thatis just two weeks away from Christmas and folks may want that weekend and the next one to Christmas shop.
We will be in the main dining room and we'll have it to ourselves until about 3:30 this will allow time for socializingwhich all the members enjoy.The buffet closes at 2:00 PM so I estimate we can arrive around noon and enjoy some adult drinks and get organized and seated in the dining room and maybe around 12:30 we can start through the buffet line, with about 50 of us that in itself will take some time but still give us an hour and a half before the buffet closes.If you feel we need more time we can start through the buffet line earlier. I plan to skip breakfast entirely :-)
The cost including sales tax and a 15% gratuity is $25.42 per person, all you can eat, you can go back for secondsthirds or fourths ~~~ ha ha They do have the "carving bar" included. We all remember the fabulous deserts they have and we can pig out on those as well. I feel this timing will work out ok and allow us to get all the calories we need to before they shut it down at 2:00 PM.
I did investigate the idea of a dinner later in the day but the dinner does not start until 6:00 PM and is substantially more expensive. We probably wouldn't get out of there until 8:30 or 9:00 and a lot of our members have a long drive home to thethe SE Valley. I felt the luncheon is the better choice but let me know what you think. Also, I doubt if we could get a privateseating in the dining room we would be mixed in with other customers.
Obviously, this plan means we will not have to spend a dime of the club funds unless the club decides to pick up a portion of the meal expenses but at $25 a head for all this food I don't think that will be necessary. I think we have about$1500 in the club account now and when the March dues come in at $45 a head x about 40 souls we'll have another $1800.for a total of $3300. I suppose we can figure out something later on wherein the club will pick up the tab for everyone or maybewe can go back to the door prize program sometime ???
There are no elements of this plan that cannot be modified or changed so if you have some suggestions or commentsplease send them.
Paul Ebeyer, President Arizona BMW Z Series Club
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