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       club tour Saturday October 19th, 2024 for lunch  
Copper Country Bar & Grill in Bagdad

The Grill in Bagdad is slightly off the path of our navigation when we do the Prescott tour through Skull Valley.  Let us meet at 9:15 and depart at 9:30

DIRECTIONS:TO BEGIN, meet at the Albertson’s center on Carefree Highway ¼ -mile east of interstate 17 on the north side of Carefree Hwy. Coffee, donuts, and a restroom are available inside McDonalds & Albertsons market.

Please arrive with a full fuel tank, club name tag, and bring your club radio along with a copy of this route guide.

Upon departing McDonald’s on Carefree Hwy, we will head west on Carefree Highway hwy 74, to Hwy 60, (about 20 miles) and turn north to Wickenburg about 35 miles where we will stop at McDonald's for a 20-minute comfort break. Then turn right out of McDonalds and pick up Hwy 60/93 from the traffic circle and drive North which is a right hand turn out of the traffic circle. Several miles out of town Hwy 89 branches off to the right, take hwy 89 to Yarnell (do NOT remain on hwy 93 ). About 13 miles further on 89, you will come to Kirkland Junction; there is a sign there directing you. Turn left; that road is 4 miles long and will take you to the junction of Iron Springs Rd. and hwy 96 that will be right in front of you. We take hwy 96 to hwy 97, sound familiar? Those are the twisty roads we take when we go to Prescott “the back way” but we’re driving in the opposite direction this time. As we near Bagdad, there may be a sign directing us to Bagdad but if we simply follow hwy 97 it will take us there. For the GPS users, the Cafe address is 901 N. Lindahl Rd. The phone number of the Café is 928 633 5856 Janine Andrews is the owner.

Our inbound drive to the Café is about 140 to 150 miles as best I can calculate it.

After lunch we have an option for the return drive, take hwy 97 west to hwy 93 then south to Wickenburg and then back to the Valley. Or, you can take hwy 97 east and drive back the way we came up and enjoy those wonderful twisty roads twice in one day.

If you select the first return route, hwy 93, the days driving distance will be approximately 255 miles.

Select the second option and the day's driving will be approximately 280 miles. This does not
include your drive to the starting point.

The weather should be beautiful in late October, plenty of top-down driving

Please send me your RSVP so I will have a head count for the restaurant. I realize the tour is
24 days away, but I like to give the members advance notice so they can set that day aside for the tour if possible.

Cheers, and thank all of you for your support of the club.





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